Materia Medica

Turmeric Monograph: The Benefits of The Golden Spice

July 20, 2023
reads: turmeric Curcuma longa herbal monograph botanical revival

Turmeric, a vibrant yellow spice commonly used in Asian cuisine, has gained a lot of attention in recent years for its remarkable anti-inflammatory properties. Its active compound, curcumin, has been the subject of many studies highlighting its potential health benefits. However, there’s a lot more to this herb than this one family of chemical compounds. From its powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties to its ability to support digestive health and fight off microbial infections, turmeric is a natural wonder that doesn’t deserve to be stuck in a box. In this turmeric monograph, we explore the various medicinal benefits of working with turmeric in the holistic herbal apothecary.

In this article, we’ll go over turmeric’s energetics, tastes, medicinal plant parts, herbal actions, body affiliates, constituents, and cautions. Then, we’ll get into which health conditions are indicated for turmeric, how to best prepare it, and other herbs to pair it with. Plus, you’ll get the chance to purchase organic turmeric and download the free turmeric monograph PDF for you to reference at any time.


This article is for educational purposes only and shouldn’t be used as a replacement for medical advice, treatment, or diagnosis. It’s recommended to talk to a doctor before beginning any herbal regimen, especially if you are taking pharmaceutical medications. Because every body is different, the following information may or may not apply directly to you.

Turmeric (Curcuma longa)

photo of turmeric plants growing in a field

Turmeric is a vibrant and versatile herbaceous plant that belongs to the ginger family, Zingiberaceae. This golden-hued spice is packed with a wealth of fascinating attributes and has been revered for centuries for its numerous traditional uses. Apart from being one of the key ingredients in many Southeast Asian culinary dishes, turmeric has also been utilized in Ayurveda and other traditional medicine systems. Turmeric is a close relative of ginger, cardamom, and galangal, all of which share an affinity for adding flavor and enhancing health benefits to various dishes.

Turmeric Monograph

In this section of the turmeric monograph, we’re going to outline turmeric’s energetics, tastes, medicinal plant parts, herbal actions, body affinities, constituents, and cautions.

Energetics & Tastes

Turmeric is warming, drying, and tonifying and was a distinct pungent, acrid, and slightly bitter flavor. The flavor and aroma of turmeric are quite recognizable in any tea or dish!

Medicinal Plant Parts

We work with the rhizome of the turmeric plant.

Herbal Actions

What are the specific action of turmeric in and on the body?


Turmeric stimulates blood flow and, therefore, warmth to the core, increasing the heat in the GI tract and aiding in both digestion and assimilation of food.


Because of its warming and circulatory stimulating effects, turmeric helps move heat in the body, especially to the periphery.


Turmeric’s bitter quality stimulates the liver to produce bile.


Not only does turmeric encourage the liver to create bile, but it also encourages the liver and gallbladder to secrete that bile into the GI tract.


Turmeric’s stimulant effect on the liver doesn’t stop at bile production. This herb also encourages the liver to filter and clean the blood, increasing its quality and, therefore, the quality of the skin, hair, and nails.


Because of its tonifying qualities and circulatory stimulatory effects in the pelvis, turmeric can increase menstrual flow.


When applied topically, turmeric is antimicrobial, fighting off bacteria, fungus, and potentially some viruses. This antimicrobial effect is active as long as the skin is dyed orange after application.


Working through the digestive system, turmeric decreases systemic inflammation throughout the entire body.

Body Systems Affinities

Which body systems does turmeric tend to affect the most?

The Digestive System

Turmeric works primarily through the digestive system. One of its key effects is its ability to stimulate the production and flow of bile, which plays a vital role in the digestion of fats. By promoting bile production, turmeric aids in the breakdown and absorption of fats, enhancing overall digestion. Additionally, turmeric has a warming effect on the gastrointestinal tract, which can help soothe discomfort and improve digestion. Its anti-inflammatory properties are also beneficial for the GI tract, as they ease symptoms of digestive distress. Furthermore, turmeric supports assimilation by facilitating nutrient absorption, ensuring that the body effectively utilizes the nutrients from food.

Notable Constituents

  • volatiles
  • phytosterols
  • Materia Medica
  • α-tocopherol
  • β-carotene
  • curcuminoids

Cautions When Working with Turmeric

During the early stages of pregnancy, it is advisable to avoid high doses of turmeric. Although turmeric is generally considered safe when used as a spice in cooking, consuming excessive amounts may potentially stimulate the uterus or promote menstrual flow, which can be risky during pregnancy.

Additionally, if you are taking blood-thinning medications, it is important to exercise caution when working with turmeric. Turmeric contains compounds that possess natural blood-thinning properties, which may interact with certain medications and increase the risk of excessive bleeding or other complications.

Working with Turmeric

Now, with an understanding of turmeric’s medicinal actions, let’s get into how we actually work with turmeric in practice.

Fatty Gallstones & Poor Liver Clearance

One of turmeric’s properties is its ability to stimulate and support the liver and gallbladder. The warming and bitter nature of turmeric aids in clearing these organs of stagnation, promoting their optimal functioning. Turmeric promotes bile production and flow, helping to break down and eliminate toxins and aiding in overall digestion. Additionally, it has been suggested that turmeric may assist in dissolving gallstones, further enhancing the health of the liver and gallbladder.

Poor Circulation & Digestive Stagnation

With its natural warming properties, turmeric aids in the stimulation of the circulatory system, helping to improve blood flow throughout the body. This increased circulation can have a positive impact on digestion, as it supports the efficient transport of nutrients and oxygen to the digestive organs, aiding in the digestion and absorption of food. Additionally, these warming properties may help alleviate digestive discomfort.

Preventing Fungal & Microbial Infections

When applied topically, turmeric has been found to have antimicrobial properties that may help prevent fungal and microbial infections. Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, is known to interfere with the growth and development of various microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi. Interestingly, the antimicrobial effects of turmeric can persist as long as the skin remains dyed orange, indicative of curcumin’s presence. This herb was once used to prevent fungal infections of the feet when working in damp environments.

Rheumatic, Diabedic, & “Bad Blood” Related Inflammation

One area where turmeric has shown promise is in combating systemic inflammatory conditions. Conditions such as rheumatic inflammation, diabetic inflammation, and bad blood syndrome can be debilitating and impact overall well-being. However, turmeric’s active compounds, known as curcuminoids, possess properties that help reduce systemic inflammation and alleviate symptoms associated with these conditions. Research suggests that curcumin inhibits certain inflammatory pathways, potentially reducing pain and other symptoms associated with chronic inflammation. While further studies are needed to fully understand the extent of turmeric’s impact on systemic inflammatory conditions, its long-standing use in traditional medicine and preliminary scientific evidence makes it an intriguing natural option for those seeking alternative methods of managing inflammation.

Preparing Turmeric

There are many ways to work with this glamorous herb to receive its medicinal benefits. Let’s talk about them.

Turmeric in Food

Eating turmeric in food not only provides you with its savory flavor but also unlocks its medicinal benefits in a more bioavailable form compared to isolated curcumin supplements. When turmeric is consumed as a whole food ingredient, it contains various compounds that work synergistically to enhance the absorption and effectiveness of curcumin. This means that by incorporating turmeric into your meals, you can reap the full spectrum of its health-promoting properties.

Turmeric Tea

Turmeric tea is another great way to incorporate this herb into your daily life and receive its bioavailable medicinal benefits. For me, turmeric is a challenging flavor to drink and, therefore, I like to pair it with other tasty herbs to make it more palatable, such as the ones listed below.

Turmeric Tincture

If you’re looking to work with turmeric for its effects on the liver, I recommend trying out turmeric in tincture form. Because turmeric’s constituents are delivered in alcohol, the alcohol brings those constituents more directly to the liver. This boosts turmerics effectiveness to stimulate and drain this organ as well as the gallbladder.

Turmeric Capsules

Sometimes, it can be challenging to consume turmeric daily in your diet alone. In this case, you can try working with turmeric capsules. It’s important to work with the whole herb in powder form versus buying supplements with only the isolated curcumin constituents. Studies have shown that working with the whole turmeric root allows for more bioavailability of curcumin and, therefore, is more effective than working with curcumin alone. If you want to increase the bioavailability of turmeric’s constituents even more, try pairing it with black pepper.

Turmeric Topical Applications

When applied topically, turmeric’s curcumin content helps combat various types of bacteria and fungi, making it an effective natural remedy for skin infections and irritations. Whether used as a paste, in face masks, or as a key ingredient in skincare products, turmeric can help protect the skin, including on the bottoms of the feet to fight against athlete’s foot. Additionally, turmeric’s anti-inflammatory qualities may alleviate redness and inflammation associated with acne and other skin conditions.

Turmeric Herbal Pairings

Not only do these herbal pairings taste great together, but many of these pairings help boost the bioavailability of turmeric constituents and emphasize its herbal actions.

Sourcing Turmeric

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pile of dried turmeric

Tumeric is so common it can be found in most grocery stores in the spice and bulk sections as well as the fresh vegetable sections where you can find whole fresh turmeric root. This turmeric, however, is usually intended for culinary purposes and, therefore, isn’t medicinal grade.

If you’re looking to find medicinal-grade, organic turmeric, I highly recommend checking out Mountain Rose Herbs. This company has the highest quality herb material of any other company in my experience, and they have many systems in place to ensure social and environmental responsibility. On the Mountain Rose Herbs website, you’ll find turmeric root, turmeric root powder, turmeric capsules, turmeric tincture, turmeric hydrosol, and so much more.

More Herbal Monographs

reads: herbal materia medica (botanical revival)

Step into a world of botanical wonders, where ancient wisdom and modern science intertwine. My Herbal Materia Medica invites you on a journey through a visual library of medicinal herbs, waiting to be discovered by you. From well-known herbs to lesser-known treasures, embark on an exploration that will deepen your understanding of the power and potential of these incredible plants. Delve into their fascinating histories, uncover their therapeutic uses, and empower yourself with a knowledge of the natural world’s healing capabilities.

The Best Herbalism Books

Discover the captivating world of herbalism with all of the best herbalism books. Immerse yourself in the rich knowledge and ancient wisdom found within these pages, as you embark on a journey to unlock the secrets of herbal remedies, plant identification, and natural healing. Whether you’re a seasoned herbalist or just beginning to explore the wonders of the plant kingdom, this article is your gateway to expanding your herbal knowledge and embracing the power of nature’s medicine. Join us on an enchanting adventure through the pages of these remarkable books and let the magic of herbalism inspire and transform your life.

Summary: Turmeric Monograph

Turmeric has garnered attention for its exceptional medicinal properties. In this article, we have explored the numerous health benefits of turmeric, highlighting its role as an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial agent, liver stimulant, and circulatory stimulant. In this turmeric monograph, we outlined this herb’s energetics, tastes, medicinal plant parts, herbal actions, body systems affinities, and cautions. Then, we went over which conditions are indicated for turmeric, how to best prepare it, and which herbs to pair it with to harness its full effects. Plus, you’ve downloaded the free PDF version of this turmeric monograph to take with you when you go.

What are you’re favorite ways to work with turmeric? Leave your thoughts in the comments below, I’d love to hear from you!

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  • Free KetoDietRecipes & Guides July 29, 2023 at 1:29 am

    Wow, this Turmeric Monograph is absolutely fascinating! I had no idea about the incredible benefits of this Golden Spice. Thanks for sharing this informative blog post, I’ll definitely be incorporating turmeric into my daily routine now.
    Stay Blessed – Mel