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Botanical Books by Botanical Revival: 84+ of the Best

July 1, 2022
reads: 84+ botanical boks by botanical revival

When you are interested in botanicals, there is a whole world to explore. This world is limitless and contains more routes for exploration than you probably think. That’s why I’ve collected these lists of botanical books. We all need inspiration from time to time and these books will guide you no matter the direction you wish to go.

I have gathered these books through lots of education and learning. In college, I studied food systems, sustainable agriculture, and food sovereignty. I am also a student of herbalism with the Commonwealth Center for Holistic Herbalism. Plus, I spend all of my free time reading, researching, painting, and studying botanicals.

There are lots of botanical books listed in this post (84, in fact!) but there are dozens more in my bookshop. In my shop, you can find all of the titles listed here and more!

Before moving on to the book lists, I want to quickly define botanical books and why I’ve listed the books I have here in this post.

What Makes These Books Botanical?

How I define “botanical” is anything related to plants. Because I am a human ecologist, I am particularly interested in relationships. Therefore, when I talk about plants, I am also talking about every single way we can be in a relationship with them. When I’m talking about botanicals, I am talking about how to use plants as medicine and food, how to participate and live within natural environments, how we understand plant science, the cultural significance of plants, and more. So, in this article, you’re not just getting a few plant book recommendations, you are getting recommendations for botanical books in every category I can think of.

Botanical Book Lists

Without further ado, here are all of my favorite botanical books. In each section, there are links to articles and book lists where you can find an abundance more titles on whatever topic you’re interested in. Also, each book cover is linked to a page where you can purchase the book. At the end of this article, you will find a list of reviews I have written so you can get to know these books even better before purchasing them.

Let’s get into it!

Herbalism Books

Herbalism is one of the most popular ways of working with plants. This area of study combines plant science, human health, and spirituality into one profound area of study. Since our evolutionary beginning, humans have worked with the natural world not just to keep us healthy, but to develop a kinship with the land. Now, we rely mainly on contemporary medicine and, although it is a necessary science, it has its limits. Medicine today is failing us when it comes to preventative care and the treatment of chronic illnesses. Dive into the world of herbalism with these herbal books.

Herb Gardening Books

Growing herbs is the art of cultivating joy, respect, and healing. With these herb gardening books, you learn how you can begin growing your own medicinal herbs. Whether you have acres of land or just a window sill, you can grow medicinal and culinary herbs yourself at home. With the help of these books, you could even start your own herb farm!

Books by Black Herbalists

Black herbalism has deep roots in Western herbal practices. If you practice any form of Western herbalism, then you are likely engaging in practices that were born and appropriated from Black herbalists. These books by Black herbalists will not only reconnect you to the roots of Western herbalism but also gift you a depth and richness that will expand your herbal knowledge.

Organic Gardening & Farming Books

Growing food for you and your community is one of the oldest and most meaningful ways to work with plants. Especially during this time of late capitalism and climate change, many of us are realizing how important a local food system is. So, with these organic gardening & farming books, you can learn how to grow food, whether it’s with some pots on the porch or on a production market farm.

Botanical & Natural Science Books

Natural science is my favorite science. Learning about plants, fungi, seeds, and insects reminds me of how rare, creative, and wonderful life is. Understanding the complexities of life is a surefire way to reignite your curiosity and creativity. In this list, I have collected a number of botany and natural science books I’ve found and fallen in love with over the years. Many of the books in this list were introduced to me by my college professors and fellow plant biology lovers.

Permaculture Books

Learn all about food forests and ecological gardening with these books about permaculture. Permaculture is an art and a science that connects you back to the land. Through the practice of permaculture, you’ll learn how to reconnect to the land through mutually beneficial relationships all while improving the health of the environment and combating climate change. You could have a few square feet or a few dozen acres and these books will help you create your own garden oasis.

Flower Books

Whether you want a stunning book for the coffee table or you’re an aspiring florist, these flower books will bring you an abundance of joy and inspiration. I fell in love with flowers one summer on an organic farm in Maine. This farm had an array of wildflowers that brought so much life into the fields. In this list, you’ll find books about heirloom flowers, flower gardening, floral design, companion gardening with flowers, and even growing flowers for market. All so you can bring more beauty into your life, too!

Flower Gardening Books

Growing flowers is growing happiness. Not only do flowers provide you with color and joy, but they are a necessary part of a healthy ecosystem. Pollinators rely on flowers for survival, so by planting flowers, you provide pollinators with food and attract them to your garden. These flower gardening books will help you learn how to grow your own wonderful blooms as well as teach you what you can do with them.

Botanical Art Books

When I’m studying plants, my favorite way to get to know them is by making them into art. Either by drawing or painting them or by pressing or dyeing with them. Not only is art-making a great way to create beautiful things, but it’s also an important study technique–it really helps you to get to know the plants you work with. These botanical art books are some of my favorites I’ve found along the way, many of them suggested to me by artists. Maybe you can be an artist, too!

Homesteading Books

For those who wish to live off the land, there are loads of homesteading books that can help you out. Living off the land is becoming more and more popular as more of us realize how useless and thankless most jobs are. With an increasing number of people gardening at home and adopting cottage-core aesthetics, it’s obvious we’re collectively moving toward self and community sufficiency. These books can help you live the simple life, too!

Maple Sugaring Books

Maple sugaring has been a tradition in the Northeastern and Great Lakes regions of the United States for hundreds of years, long before colonizers arrived and adopted the tradition. These books will teach you about the history of maple sugaring as well as how you can maple sugar, too. These maple sugaring books are for the homesteader and the market producer alike!

Beekeeping Books

We can’t talk about botanicals without talking about bees! If you’re in love with botanicals as I am, you’re likely just as in love with pollinators. Especially if you have access to land, keeping bees can be a fun and sweet way of working with nature. If you garden or farm, beekeeping would be especially beneficial for you! When looking for a place to start, I recommend checking out these fantastic beekeeping books. They will offer you what you need to know to begin.

Botanical Cookbooks

Learning about botanicals usually means learning how to cook with them! These botanical cookbooks are my favorites to explore using home-grown, foraged, and herbal foods in my diet. Learn what to do with your foraged plants, how to preserve food, incorporate medicinals into your cooking, upping the nutrient density of your meals, and about the world of fermentation. The kitchen can be a charming place of creativity, learning, and fun.

Botanical Foraging Books

There’s arguably no better way to learn about botanicals than by foraging for them. Wild plants hold more than enough to feed us and the natural world hosts such an abundance! With these foraging books, you’ll learn how to safely identify and harvest fruits, greens, weeds, roots, flowers, mushrooms, and more. Foraging is my favorite way to remind myself of the abundance and generosity that surrounds us.

Food Sovereignty Books

When talking about botanical books, we can’t ignore the social issues attached to the land and plants we love. Everything is connected, and to be in a true relationship with botanicals, we must be in a relationship with all the baggage that comes along with them. Native plants and Native people are inseparable. Invasive species are a direct result of colonialism. And caring for plants means caring for people. With these food sovereignty books, you will come into a deep and meaningful relationship with the natural world through social activism.

Books by Indigenous Authors

The land, plants, and people are not separate. Working with plants means working with the history of a people. Not only are these books by Native authors important for everyone to read, but they will help you better understand and come into relationship with the land and plants you work with. Without understanding the cultural significance of the land we’re on and the plants we work with, we lose so much knowledge and power.

Trauma-Healing Books

You may be wondering what trauma healing has to do with botanicals, and the answer is everything. The way we treat our bodies is how we treat the land. If we want to become stewards of the environment and reconnect to the land, we have to heal ourselves. And if plants help us heal by being themselves, then we can help them by healing ourselves. These trauma-healing books are my favorites for getting to know ourselves and beginning the healing journey.

Kids Natural Science Books

Help your kiddos fall in love with plants and nature with these kids’ natural science books. A love of natural science starts young. When we engage with our little ones outdoors and show them the magic in the natural world, they’re more likely to grow up with great respect and love of nature. Ignite that spark, first in yourself as a teacher or parent, and then in your kids for a lifetime.

Botanical Revival’s Book Reviews

As I read, I like to post reviews of these books. That way, you get detailed information about what you’ll learn in these books as well as their pros and cons. Here, you will find all of the book reviews I’ve posted on my blog to date.

Miraculous Abundance by Perrine and Charles Hervé-Gruyer

Botanical Books: Conclusion

When choosing botanical books to read, the options are limitless. There are books to learn about plant medicine, gardening, natural science, permaculture, flowers, art, homesteading, bees, cooking, foraging, social justice, Native studies, healing, and more.

Although there are many book suggestions here in this article, I have so many more. By going to my bookshop, you will find these books plus dozens more titles.

As someone with a deep love of plants, I hope you get as much joy from these books as I have.

Have you read any of these books? Or do you have more suggestions for books to add to this list? Leave me a comment down below with your thoughts, I would love to hear them!

Thanks for coming by and happy reading!

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